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Patch Notes 1
3 minute read

Hey everyone!

Welcome to our first-ever Patch Notes post! πŸŽ‰ This is part of a new format I’ll be using to keep you updated on all things happening on the server. In these updates, I’ll share the latest changes, additions, and adjustments, along with a sneak peek at what’s planned for the near future—a sort of server roadmap!

The goal is to make it easier for you to stay in the loop, whether it's about gameplay improvements, bug fixes, or exciting new features coming soon. So without further ado, let’s dive into our very first patch notes update!

So let's kick it off with the first patch notes now!

Patch notes

  • [Survival] To prevent breaking mob farms Bee's stacking has been adjusted:
    • [Survival] Bee's now only stack if there are over 30 nearby (default is 10)
    • [Survival] Bee's now only stack up until 4 per stack (default is 25)
  • [Survival] Some performance issues have been tackled   
  • [Survival] Mobs spawned by mob spawners have their pathfinding and AI disabled   
  • [Survival] Stacked mobs now die in steps, between 3 and 6 mobs are taken from the stack every kill   
  • [Survival] Stacked mobs that die in steps (3 at once for example) have their drops and experience drops multiplied by that amount   
  • [Survival] The multiplied drops work properly now (!) this was not working before   
  • [Global] A bug that kicked players for 'sending too many packets' should be fixed. If not, please make a ticket and screenshot the error   
  • [Global] Anticheat changes to prevent kicks for 'clicking too fast'   
  • [Global] Chat filtering has been properly set up   
  • [Global] Some additional chat rules to prevent spamming have been set up   
  • [Global] An automated warning system has been set up to prevent spamming and swearing, new players (less than 30 minutes online time) receive double warning points. This is an extra measure to prevent annoying spammers who join just to spam/swear. Warning points expire automatically after 10 minutes.   
  • [Global] Added / improved the list command (/list) to see global online player count & staff online   
  • [Global] Other staff members can now also see tickets   
  • [Global] Manager rank was added as highest tier staff rank
  • [Discord] A suggestions system was added to the Discord server

Planned / Coming soon

  • [Survival] Add Epic Crate
  • [Survival] Finish player vaults for Ultra rank (/pv)
  • [Survival] Warps menu rework
  • [Survival] Custom enchantments implementation
  • [Survival] Finish last 2 dungeons
  • [Survival] Add dungeon bosses to all dungeons
  • [Survival] Balance the difficulty of all dungeons
  • [Survival] Add Reaper Boss to the End world
  • [Survival] Add a Reaper Crate to the End world
  • [Survival] Add some messages for getting rare rewards from crates
  • [Survival] Implement some sort of leaderboards area (holograms / armor stands) for some statistics like balances
  • [Survival] Add quests and daily challenges
  • [Survival] Add clue scrolls
  • [Survival] Add envoy drops (possibly around spawn, or end/nether? not sure yet)
  • [Global] Add announcements for when players purchase (or renew) ranks from store
  • [Global] Implement boosters on servers
  • [Global] Implement staff application, reporting bugs, reporting players and appeal forms on Discord
  • [Wiki] Improve wiki articles / finish up some articles

That's all for now, see you next time! πŸš€

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